Guide to choosing the right earring

Vox & Oz guide to choosing the right earring

The choice of earring determines the style you want to adopt. For this you must take into account several factors when making this choice in order to make better purchases even from a distance.

Here is a guide to selecting the best earring! The one that will suit you! The promise to be at your best!

5 basic rules: "Let's seek balance!" »

  1. face shape
  2. Length
  3. facial features
  4. Color
  5. Texture



Oval face: Good news since he will wear all types of earrings.

Round face: Long earring to elongate and get that coveted oval.

Square face: Round earring at the center of the face to round out the shape.

Heart face (small chin): Oval or triangle earring : narrow at the top and wider at the bottom of the face.

Triangle face (stronger jaw) Earring with a more refined tip at the bottom of the face.



Measure from the tip of the earlobe to above the top of the shoulder. You then divide by 2 which will reveal the maximum ideal length of your earring.

This length will thus avoid hanging clothes on the top of the shoulders. Unless that's what we're looking for.

Example: Ear to shoulder length 14 cm: Hoops or Rings 7 cm length


  1. Facial features

Depending on whether you want to accentuate your features or you want to attenuate them, your choice will match your features or be the opposite.

Structured Features (Linear-angular, straight nose)

  • We reinforce: Choice of an earring with linear, square shapes
  • We attenuate: Choice of an earring with rounded, curved shapes.

Rounded-soft-lunar features, round nose.

Combined strokes- strokes combining rounded and straight strokes.

  1. COLOR


All colors are permitted. However…

If you are COLD type: Silver metals will be perfect with your appearance, very chic! Cool colors include the full range of greens, blues and purples. The reds will be tinged with blue which will result in a raspberry red closer to the color fuchsia.

If you're the HOT type: Gold metals look great by your side. Warm colors include the range of yellows, oranges, reds, pinks. The blues will be tinged with yellow which will result in a more turquoise blue.



Here is a way to finalize your choice by taking into account the texture, which will once again allow you to never regret your choice.

Several options on the market are offered to you, today we can affirm that the matte texture of the earring or even 3D Nylon, will go wonderfully well alongside all skin types. Whether the skin is mature or shapely, the matte will be much more enveloping and will combine without playing on the contrast. In addition, the matte texture ensures a very contemporary signature.

The pearly finish of the pearl will delight all skin types. It will act naturally by ensuring the shiny side or the matte side. The pearl is certainly a woman's best friend for a luminous and natural effect in all circumstances.

In conclusion, shopping for earrings, whether for a gift or for oneself, is often a very emotional moment. The crush is often what triggers the final choice. Without interrupting your instinct too much, we hope that these few tips will lead you to the perfect earring for you!

Above all, have fun!

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1 comment

  • MIcheline mSrtel

    Vous avec un blogue très intéressant et utile pour nous aider dans le choix de notre boucle d’oreille…..merci beaucoup.

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